Green-e® Energy

Green-e® is North America’s leading certification program for renewable energy. It makes it easy for businesses to buy verified clean energy and allows them to maximise the positive environmental impact of their purchase.

Ecohz offers Green-e® Energy certified RECs across North America, enabling corporate buyers to reduce Scope 2 emissions and make renewable energy claims.


How it works

Green-e® is a program for the certification of renewable energy run by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions, based in San Francisco, CA. It verifies that clean electricity generation follows strict criteria that minimise environmental impact and validates that consumers get the renewable energy they intend to purchase.

Green-e®'s certification process and annual audit ensure that renewable energy:

  • is generated from new facilities younger than 15 years to encourage the construction of more clean energy capacity;
  • comes from the facilities advertised by sellers;
  • has not been double-counted, meaning that it is not used to comply with mandatory quotas and comes on top of government-set requirements.

Green-e® is recommended or required in leading environmental standards, such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)The Climate Registry (TCR)B CorporationCradle to CradleSustainable Purchasing Leadership Council, and others.

RE100 also accepts Green-e® as a third-party certifier for sustainable hydropower. 

Why buy Green-e® certified energy

Your purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) supports renewable electricity production in the region of generation.

A REC represents the environmental benefits of 1 megawatt hour (MWh) of renewable energy. For every unit of renewable electricity generated, an equivalent amount of RECs is produced, and by purchasing and pairing RECs with your electricity service you are using and receiving the benefits of that renewable electricity.

Your REC purchase also helps build a market for renewable electricity. Increased demand for, and generation of, renewable electricity helps reduce conventional electricity generation in the region where the renewable electricity generator is located. It also has other local and global environmental benefits, which may include emitting little or no regional air pollution or carbon dioxide.

The RECs in Ecohz Renewable Energy Certificates are verified and certified by Green-e® Energy, and Ecohz is required to disclose the quantity, type and geographic source of each certificate. Please see the Product Content Label for this information.

Green-e® Energy also verifies that the renewable energy certificates are not sold more than once or claimed by more than one party. For information on Green-e Energy please visit its website,


How can Ecohz help?

Ecohz offers Green-e® certified renewables across the USA and Canada and can source RECs according to any specification, including technology, location, and age of the production device.

Our team enables you to maximise the environmental benefits of your energy purchase. If you need assistance developing a renewable energy strategy or getting started with your emissions reduction efforts, our advisors can guide you every step of the way.

How Green-e® multiplies the impact of buying renewable energy

Voluntary demand is crucial for developing the renewable energy industry. But how can we ensure that corporate purchases have the greatest possible effect? The Green-e® certification program is raising the bar and channelling the vigor of clean energy buyers.

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Would you like a price offer on Green-e? Let's have a chat.

Get in touch

Ross Pierson
Acting Managing Director, Ecohz Inc.

Book a meeting

Noah Altamirano
Senior Renewable Energy Specialist, Ecohz Inc.

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