
Whether you need help on the way to net zero, want to sell your supply, or have other questions, we are here for you.




Main office

Tordenskioldsgate 8-10
N-0160 Oslo, Norway

Email: NO-985040567

Geneva office

Grand-Rue 39-41
1260 Nyon, Switzerland


New York office

12 East 49th Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10017, USA


Media and press

Janne Svendsen Moe
Chief Marketing Officer

+47 91 31 80 85

Alex Ruelas
Content Manager

+47 968 21 436


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Adrien Mathys Senior Renewable Portfolio Manager +47 41 20 87 29
Christian Sternell Chief Technology Officer
Cyril Bricaud Chief Sales Officer +47 90 36 25 20
Hana Keyvanzad Sales Support +47 93 95 83 69
Heidi Jakobsen Head of Partner Sales Delivery +47 99 76 25 24
Janne Svendsen Moe Chief Marketing Officer +47 91 31 80 85
John Ravlo Senior Director Partner Sales + 47 91 86 26 98
Kjetil Røneid Chief Business and Portfolio Officer +47 93 09 35 53
Line Riise Jensen Chief Market Development Officer +47 90 61 48 68
Madeleine Mowinckel Head of Advisory & Services +47 91 86 50 40
Peter Bloor Director Corporate Sales +47 467 44 475
Preben Munch Senior Director Sales & Solutions +41 78 65 92 603
Tom Lindberg Chief Executive Officer +47 90 74 42 60
Yu Wen Head of Corporate Sales Delivery +47 94 82 11 29
Rubicca Nagalingam Controller
Mark Edlbauer Renewable Sourcing Manager
Pia Halse Sales Delivery Manager +47 478 37 071
Kamila Herezinska Software Product Manager +47 939 30 828
Arturo Sanchez Senior Key Account Manager +47 413 52 541
Bjørn Erik Myrland Supply Chain Portal Manager +47 911 888 44
Ivar Munch Clausen Chief Business Development Officer +47 99 48 52 65
Luisa Olivi Net Zero Advisor +47 465 62 924
Alex Ruelas Communication Manager
Nils Holta Net Zero Advisor +47 957 27 767
Patrik Lerud Senior Key Account Manager +47 48 34 19 82
Stine Kristiansen Chief Financial Officer +47 93 23 29 39
Hans Navarro Market Analyst +47 968 75 193
Marine Mouilleron International Senior Originator +47 90 24 06 62
Ross Pierson CEO, Ecohz Inc. +1 718 213 8386
Noah Altamirano Senior Renewable Energy Manager, Ecohz Inc. +1 203 695 4506
Anne Kirsti Melhus Human Resource Advisor +47 90 52 87 80
Hugo Malfit Senior Originator +47 917 58 202
Patrycja Botnen Treasury Manager +4797427511
Lars Semb Maalen-Johansen Renewable Portfolio & PPA Manager +47 922 18 664
Muniba Sharif Accounting Manager +47 924 31 732
Erica Margarett Saliendra Delivery Coordinator +47 47 73 94 95
Cecilie Hamborgstrøm Compliance & Risk Manager +47 900 62 889