
EKOenergy is a global non-profit ecolabel for renewable electricity and renewable gas. It can be combined with all types of sourcing (Energy Attribute Certificates - EACs, PPAs, own-production, green-tariffs etc.). The ecolabel guarantees that the renewable energy fulfils additional criteria and raises funds for new renewable energy projects in developing countries.

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Focus areas

EKOenergy goes one step further than directives and government regulations. Electricity sold with EKOenergy:

  • Guarantees renewable energy from hydropower, wind power, solar power, bioenergy or geothermal energy.
  • EKOenergy encourages and helps consumers of renewable energy to communicate about their purchases. Consumers of EKOenergy-labelled energy can use EKOenergy’s logo in their publications and on products made with EKOenergy.
  • By buying EKOenergy-labelled energy, you support NGOs to campaign for renewable energy in a growing number of countries.
  • Assures sustainable and nature-friendly energy. EKOenergy applies strict sustainability requirements to power production. For each MWh of hydropower sold as EKOenergy, minimum EUR 0.10 is paid into the EKOenergy Environmental Fund to finance river restoration projects, build fish passages and restore spawning grounds.
  • Contributes to new renewable energy projects: for each MWh of EKOenergy sold, at least EUR 0.10 s allocated to EKOenergy’s Climate Fund. It is used to finance new renewable energy projects, managed by experienced organisations, in developing countries. These projects could not happen without these contributions.

EKO solar panel on roof

EKOenergy all over the world

The EKOenergy ecolabel brings additionality to renewable energy certificates, such as Guarantees of Origin (GOs)RECs and I-RECs. EKOenergy was launched in Northern Europe in 2013 and is now gradually expanding its global reach. Driven largely by corporate consumers’ increased interest in renewable energy, EKOenergy is now available in more than 70 countries. In most of these countries, the EKOenergy secretariat and their supporters share information in local language.

The EKOenergy ecolabel is available also for renewable gas. Biomethane labelled with EKOenergy is produced from sustainable types of biomass, such as biowaste and organic residues. EKOenergy biomethane comes from installations  in Europe and UK. 

SDG-7-Clean-Energy (1)  SDG13-Climate-Action (1)  SDG-7-Clean-Energy (1)


Recognised ecolabel


The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 (chapter 11) specifically mentions the EKOenergy’s Climate Fund as ways for companies to make extra efforts to spur the deployment of renewable energy.

In CDP’s technical notes for accounting of Scope 2, CDP recommends EKOenergy as an instrument for companies to show leadership.

LEED, a standard for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings, recommends EKOenergy-labelled electricity as a sound method of working towards points for LEED certification.

In 2020 the UN featured the EKOenergy label in a publication about good examples of SDG implementation and in 2021 the European Parliament awarded EKOenergy the European Citizen’s Prize.

10 years anniversary

Congratulations! The ecolabel celebrates 10 years on the 23rd of February 2023. For the past 10 years, EKOenergy and Ecohz have collaborated and made a difference. 

Here are some achievements of EKOenergy: 

  • granted more than 2.2 million EUR to renewable projects in developing countries
  • in addition to electricity expanded their activities to cover renewable gas, heat and cold.
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Upcoming webinar

Raising the sustainability bar in energy procurement

In this 30-minute session, you will learn how EKOenergy, an ecolabel for renewable energy, enhances the ESG profile of corporate consumers by giving them access to clean energy sources with a higher environmental and social impact, in line with global standards, such as RE100.

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