News and insights News Norwegian government endorses the system of Guarantees of Origin

Norwegian government endorses the system of Guarantees of Origin

On 13 June 2016, the Norwegian Parliament ratified the new Energy Bill, endorsing the system of Guarantees of Origin (GOs) and fuel disclosure, as well as defining the national energy policy for 2030 and beyond. The Energy Bill builds on the EU’s ambitions, while preserving national interests and value creation.

Written by Janne Svendsen Moe
Published on 16 June 2016
Written by Janne Svendsen Moe
Published on 06 June 2016

NGOs, energy companies, interest groups and Norwegian industry debated many aspects of the proposed Energy Bill; it was also widely debated in the media. One of the key topics was Norway’s implementation of GOs, the electricity mix and national fuel disclosure. The result was that the proposed text before Parliament gives endorsement to the continued use of the GO system.

The debate provided an excellent opportunity for the renewable energy industry to describe and explain the importance of GOs, and to educate policy makers, politicians and media about the system. At the centre of the discussion was consumer choice, creating value for the power sector and the positive impact for Norwegian industry of using documented renewable energy.

Tom LIndberg i Stortingshøring

The government agreed to make no changes on a national level. Instead, it will work actively with the EU in developing the system within the framework of the new Renewable Energy Directive.

Norway was an early and loyal member of AIB, and with a “best-in-class” EECS implementation. It has a very active renewable power industry and many members of RECS International, who are actively providing renewable power solutions to customers across Europe.

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