News and insights Webinars Webinar Series CSRD – October-November 2023
Webinar Series

Harder, better, faster, stronger: the future of sustainability reporting  

A series of webinars that will help you keep abreast of emerging reporting obligations in the EU. Three sessions, three topics to get a grip on the new rules and unlock the opportunities of taking environmental leadership. 

Webinar smaller

The webinar series

Webinar 1:

What is new in sustainability reporting? Less fragmented and less voluntary 

Watch the webinar

Webinar 2:

The EU’s green agenda: how the CSRD, Taxonomy and Green Claims Directive will drive the single market

Watch the webinar

Webinar 3:

Is your net zero strategy ready for the CSRD? Making solid plans and meeting expectations

Watch the webinar

Webinar 1
What is new in sustainability reporting? Less fragmented and less voluntary 

Sustainability reporting standards are consolidating, cooperating on alignment and being put into law. As legal requirements catch up with voluntary disclosure, they will demand more accuracy from companies when communicating their environmental impacts and actions. It will also create business opportunities for those who know how to leverage their sustainability data.  

This webinar will explain the new connections being drawn between reporting standards to help you optimise your efforts and navigate the changing landscape with ease.

We discuss: 

  • Reporting junctions: How does IFRS relate to TCFD?
  • Mandatory or voluntary? How sustainability reporting is influencing legal requirements.
  • Harmonisation: How do the different standards compare, and what should you prioritise
  • New opportunities: How can sustainability reporting help you reduce risks and improve branding.
  • Where are we headed? An assessment of evolving standards

The webinar has already occurred, and you can access it here

Webinar 2
The EU’s green agenda: how the CSRD, Taxonomy and Green Claims Directive will drive the single market

The EU wants to boost sustainability in the single market. Legislative acts such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the Green Claims Directive will soon make it more profitable for companies to reduce their environmental footprint – and more costly to fail to do so.

In this 40-minute webinar, you will learn how new legislation will affect your business and the market at large. Our experts will also advise on how to create emission reduction plans, document your actions, and communicate in line with the new requirements.

We discuss:  

  • What changes will the CSRD, the EU Taxonomy, and the Green Claims Directive bring to the European single market?
  • What does the CSRD say about electricity and Guarantees of Origin?
  • How to create an emission reduction plan aligned with the 1.5°C scenario and the CSRD
  • How to communicate your sustainability achievements according to the Green Claims Directive?

The webinar has already occurred, and you can access it here

Webinar 3
Is your net zero strategy ready for the CSRD? Making solid plans and meeting expectations

The EU’s new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires companies to set emissions reduction targets in line with the Paris Agreement. In this 30-minute webinar, we guide you through the provisions of the CSRD to make your net zero plan fit for public disclosure.

We explain: 

  • How to create decarbonisation plans aligned with a 1.5°C future
  • What sustainability solutions are valid under the CSRD
  • How to bulletproof the credibility of net zero plans

The webinar has already occurred, and you can access it here

Speakers in the session

Get in touch

Nils Holta
Net Zero Advisor

Madeleine Mowinckel
Head of Advisory & Services